Let me tell you how God used you months ahead to meet a need on the very day I needed it........
We had just returned from Botswana on Thursday evening. On Friday morning I went to school and was greeted by the head teacher with a request for crayons for the students. She told me that I "needed" to have individual boxes so that each child could have their own. She went on to say some children were not being responsible and they were breaking the crayons we had and others had to suffer and use them. I went to my "store house of treasures" to see what I had. After sorting through everything, I realized I only had a few of the very large boxes of crayons which was not what she wanted. I must confess I had a bit of pity party thinking ...." how am I to supply all these specific needs all the time and where am I suppose to get these packs of crayons for 12 students in the middle of the bush????" But, I pulled myself together and decided that I needed to just divide what I had into 12 sets and we would do the best we could.
Then the next problem...... what would I put the set of crayons in???? Maybe zip lock bags??? I checked but I did not have enough and you can not buy them in Zambia. My next thought was maybe margarine containers. I checked and you guessed it not enough of those either. I felt rather discouraged and went home trying to figure out what I should do. Now in all reality crayons and zip lock bags or the lack of them is not a big deal but at that moment it was a very big deal to me!
I arrived home and sitting on the dining room table were two boxes, one had been mailed in March and the other in May. I began to open the first one (and I did not read the label on the outside stating its contents as it is always more fun to see what it is in a box when you open it). I thought to myself...what if it is crayons??? I opened it and what to my wondering eyes should appear but several hundred small individual packs of basic colors of crayons!!!!!!! I was flabbergasted!!! Imagine months ahead these crayons had been mailed from the US and on the very day I needed them they were on my dining room table. God knew I was going to need them long before I did.
Well, on with my story......You will never guess what was in the second box. Well maybe you could(-: I opened the second box and knowing it was from the church in Menomonie. I could not figure out what they would be sending us at this time of year as we usually get wonderful treats from them early in the year and our box for the year had arrived. When I finally got the box cut open there they were.....many many wonderful zip lock bags ( they even have the zipper on the top!!) Those too were mailed in May, way before I knew I would need them. Not only did I have the crayons I needed but I had the containers to put them in!!!!
God supplies all of our needs. He answers prayer and he knows our needs before we do. He is so faithful.
Thanks to all of you who had a part in this wonderful testimony of God's faithfulness. Your giving hearts truly met a need in a big way in our lives this last week. Again we were reminded of God's faithfulness and again it was confirmed that we are to be in Macha for such a time as this.
We love all of you and thank you so much.