While we were in Atlanta, we had the opportunity to take a quick day trip to Florida. Gil's brother, Dick, his wife Brenda, and their daughter Meridith live there. Unfortunately we missed seeing their oldest daughter Erin.
James and Kaleb were able to enjoy their huge yard and great swing set...paradise for 2 boys!
Again, another very short visit, but we were very grateful to be able to spend some time with family. We had a wonderful time catching up and sharing stories!
We have spent the last few weeks traveling and visiting family and friends.
Our first trip was to Atlanta, to visit our Daughter and Son-In-Law, Kris and Kenny, along with our two precious grandsons James and Kaleb. We had a wonderful time with them. Even though if was only for a couple of days, it was great to be able to spend some quality time and catch up with our family.
While we were there we also got to spend some time with Kenny's mom, Grace and her husband Glenn.
Kris and Kenny moved to Atlanta this past year. The boys helped decorate the Christmas tree in their beautiful new home.Over the next few days, we will be adding updates on all the other places we have visited, so keep checking back!