MICS computer lab opens today in new building!
0 comments Posted by Gil and Ronda / SoMacha.com at 4:55 PMWe are so excited to report that the MICS computer lab opened for instruction today. The team of computer teachers had fifteen computers up and running for the occasion. With the fifteen computers up and running the classes can come all at one time and even the teachers can have a computer to learn on with their class.
The first graders took a short field trip to visit the NINE kittens born in the MICS house a few weeks ago. Our two mother cats had kittens within 24 hours of each other. They are all one big happy family. They do know which kittens belong to what mother ...... but they share the responsibility and feeding times.
The first graders enjoyed holding and playing with the little kittens. They were afraid at first as the children are not used to house pets. They tend to treat animals in a rough and tuff manor so it is good for the children to learn how to care for a pet and be kind and gentle. They check on them often and look for changes in them.
They told me they are not afraid anymore(-: Yes...... they all want one to take home!
First Valentine Luncheon for MICS teachers
0 comments Posted by Gil and Ronda / SoMacha.com at 7:07 PMMICS students have Home Economics Classes
0 comments Posted by Gil and Ronda / SoMacha.com at 7:05 PMWe are keeping Amy very busy as she is also teaching reading and English to the third graders. She has taken over the weekly library classes which gives me a bit of break. It is fun to have someone else come and share their creative ideas with the children.
We are thankful for her time here. The children are excited and love her and all she does for them.
MICS begins school year with royal visitors
0 comments Posted by Gil and Ronda / SoMacha.com at 7:04 PMWe are back in Zambia and the 2009 school year for MICS is off to a great start.
We are very excited at MICS. The container bringing the PlayMart playground arrived and the "Wonder" is now in place. We tried to document the installation of all of the playground but could capture/send only a few of the stages for you.
MICS students enjoyed a fun day when they all wore a fun cap or hat at school. Everyone wore their hats in class....They sat on their desks, instead of on their chairs and we all marched around the classrooms and campus for everyone to see.
The best part of it was that EVERYONE Participated!! It sure if fun to be silly once in a while!
We recieved the notice listed below of a very generous donation from Harkins Builders in Maryland..... thanks to our good friends Sue and Pete Penno telling the MICS story. One day the Harkins employees all wore jeans for charity and donated $357.00 towards the 4X4 MICS Mobile.
We are so thankful!
Our fund is growing.......
We also recieved $200. 00 from our wonderful friends Ruth and Lee Ditmer from Canada.
A huge thank you to all of you!!!!!!
The fund is growing....... as we already have $1.300.00
(announcement from Harkins)
Gladys Hyman
Benefits Administrator
Harkins Builders, Inc.
2201 Warwick Way
Marriottsville, MD 21104
Thanks for having such generous hearts and giving to help the children in MACHA!!
Gil, Ronda, the MICS Team and most of all the MICS boys and girls
Just a quick update on the progress of the MICS house. Finally after a few months of waiting to see if the same color of roofing sheets could be obtained we found out they truly were permanently out of stock. There is strategy here that is: when you see something and you think you might want it..... get it... as most likely when you go back it will not be there. I guess that is what happened with the roofing sheets. When we went back to get the rest of the roof it was not there (-: SOOOOO we used a color in the same family and in a day the roof was put on the house. We are very excited and happy to see the great progress the men made in such a short time.
The doors are almost all on....and we are hoping the ceilings will be going up next week along with the installation of the windows and plumbing. Please pray with us that the men continue to work as we really want to be able to open the boarding house for third term.....third term begins in September so we will have to move and set up by late August. We are really seeing that the orphans that are enrolled in MICS struggle so much to get here each day due to distance and no one is really supervising them where they stay.
Thanks so much for your prayers.
First Contributors for MICS 4x4 Car Fund!!!
0 comments Posted by Gil and Ronda / SoMacha.com at 6:24 PMSchool is out....well for a few weeks at least
0 comments Posted by Gil and Ronda / SoMacha.com at 6:37 PMWe are so thankful as we look back to January when we arrived from the States. The school was not finished....there was no roof, windows or doors. Things looked hopeless as we had no money to complete the school building/house at that time.
If you remember MICS classes started late and we met in the rooms of our wooden house apartments. After a month or so we made the decision to move into the still unfinished school building. Little by little we are settling in and each day another classroom ceiling or window is finished (-:
Ruth worked hard to get the library up and running before she returned to Canada. Gil spent hours repairing computers and setting them up in the Hammes' flat at the wooden house....... Since they are in the US on furlough it was the perfect spot as it is the only unused room connected to the generator.
Again and again and again... we "Stand in Awe" of what the Lord is doing around us each day. He has showered us with so many blessings it is hard to comprehend.
We are so thankful! We are thankful to all of you that have helped in so many ways...and especially thankful for all of your prayers......please do not stop.