Zaka the Krause's Cat of the Wooden House
Zaka is a red cat with a fluffy tail. Her name means LION in Tonga. Now if you know us well you might be wondering what the CATalyst would be for us to get a cat??? CATegoricallyy we are not cat lovers. It definitely was a CAT-and-mouse thing! Not long after we got her we thought we might have CATaracts as she surely seemed to be a CATch. So we checked the CATalog and sure enough we found she was the CATsmeow.
From young on she was in a CATegory of her own. She attended school and tried to CATch up with the other students. However, the teacher would have to give out a CATcall now and then as she dearly loved her CATnaps during class.
As you can see from the pictures she CATapulted herself right into a job in the school office as the copy-CAT where she CATered to the needs of the students seatwork papers.
Gil and Zaka are often found in this CATatonic state as they take CATnaps together. Surprisingly it is not even a CATastrophe for Gil when she jumps on the bed.
She loves to chase the CATtle that come to visit our yard and she definately is a CATbird. She can CATch and eat one in 60 seconds.
Now, not to be CATty....but....she found a friend that lives CATtycorner from the wooden house. One day she was out on the CATwalk and you guessed it, there was going to be a need for a CATscradle. This was indeed a CATastrophe for the inexperienced owners. The CATastrophic event occurred in Macha when Zaka CATapulted FIVE little CATs into the wicker CATchall she had CATegorically chosen the week before.
Her CATcall is different now but mother CAT and her five little CATs are all doing fine(-: