Because of the limits places upon visitors as to the length of time they can be in Zambia during a given year, we had to return to Botswana for a time this month. Our days in Zambia had exceeded the 90 day yearly limit. The papers for our Zambian "work permit" are in process but not completed.
We returned to Tlokweng to see friends of the past 8 years and get more of our "things" sorted out. Ronda spent some time doing "teacher observations" of some of the new staff that had been hired for this year.
We had a great time back at TDS and were able to pack another load to bring to Macha. (some of the things we forgot to bring in January) Word came that our papers should be ready at immigration in Lusaka and we were e-mailed a copy of the receipt for processing the work permit. (a mere K 1,000,000)
When we got to the Zambian side of the border, immigration was only going to give us 2 days to go to pick up our permits. After much pleading and whining about the condition of the road to Macha, they agreed to allow us 10 days. Customs did not give the same hassle that they did in January.(PTL)
On our trip "south our car developed a great thirst for oil. Coming back to Zambia this thirst continued. We felt that we needed a second opinion about the car.
So....our limited time meant that we had to promptly proceed to Lusaka to get our more permanent papers. Monday 27 March we drove to Lusaka, taking 3 additional people along, dropping 2 in Choma and the third person accompanying us to Lusaka.
In Lusaka, the car went into the "hospital" for major surgery (an engine overhaul). And, our papers were not yet completed; but immigration did give us an additional 30 days. So,we flew back to Macha again on Wednesday. Fortunately, there were flights scheduled to and from Macha, even with the shortage of AvGas here in Southern Africa. This is "Life in Africa".

Welcome To!
They moved to Macha to start MICS (Macha Innovative Christian School). There was a desperate need for a quality elementary school for the local children and the many orphans in Macha. It has been 3 years now, and they have more than 60 students. God has done many amazing things in Macha. We are excited to see what will happen next!
This website will allow Gil and Ronda to keep everyone informed and up to date on all the events in Macha.
Please check back often and keep them in your prayers.
MICS Mobile Donation Fund
We are asking for donations that will help us purchase a 4x4 utility for the school. If you feel led to give, please contact us and we will let you know how you can make a tax deductable donation. Or you may use the link below to make a non-tax-deductible donation via credit card.
Thank you all for your generous support.