Thank you for all your help in 2006!

We wanted to say “Thank You!” to everyone that helped support us and the school project over the past year. We also want to thank you for all your prayer support. Without your generosity, none of the amazing things that happened in Macha would have been possible.

We wanted to take a minute to thank a few of you specifically.

Harry and Bonnie Classen
Doug and Debbie Wesson
Fred and Ruth Menz
Gary and Joy Blechacz
Dennis and Donna Carroll
Ron and Rita Jansen
Brent and Cheryl Timmermann
Darla Jansen
Dean and Judy Knoll
Abby Lentz
Phil, Bethany, and Lily Blechacz
Bonnie Keller
Larry and Aggie Wagner
Nathaniel Sabin
Nora Bartlels
Mary Judge
Lee and Ruth Dittmer
Kathy Brown
Dave, Amy and Sammy Arenson
John, Mary and Johnny Stocking
Edith Miller
Bill and Linda Lentz
Barb Stansfield
Cathy Mathwick
Kathy Blechacz
Jessie Channer
Ike and Jean Bell
Mel and Jan Bochman
Ephriam and Joy Mutepfa
Dwayne and Berdetta Byers
Doug and Deb Hammes
Jeff Mashke
Jill and Jim Maxwell
Jill Krause and Scott Stickney
Grace Wairimu
Lydiah Ngiri
Rosemary Akandi
Kent and Judy Wonders
Flying Mission
Bryan and Di Wilson
Greg and Kathy Smith
Yvonne MacDonald
Alliance Christian School
First Baptist Church, New Hampton, IA
, Modesto, CA
United Methodist Church, Fondulac, WI

Many of you also shipped items to the cargo container. The container is still in transit and will hopefully arrive in Macha by early March. We can’t wait for it to arrive! It will be a true blessing to open all the wonderful things for the school and to share the items with people in the community. If you sent items to the container, we want to thank you as well. When the container arrives, we will have a whole new list of people to thank!

If we forgot anyone on this list, we are truly sorry. So many people have helped in so many different ways, that it is hard to make a comprehensive list. Your support is very much appreciated!

We are less than one week away from heading back to Macha. It has been wonderful spending time with family and friends. Our time here always seems to go by too fast!

This next year looks to be very exciting with the start of construction on the new school campus, the addition of a new class of students and the many other adventures that living in a remote African village brings.

We want to invite you all to come to Macha to see the school, the people and what the Lord is doing.

Thanks again!


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