Ronda, We're Not In Wisconsin Anymore!

Driving down the highway in southern Africa there are many hazards to avoid. It isn't just the potholes or other drivers that you have to worry about!We have been having problems with both electricity and internet access since our return to Zambia. With the power being out most of the time, we have been cooking on our camping stove and charging the computer batteries in the car with the car charger. One of the internet connection relay boxes was struck by lightning, leaving our home without a connection. Gil has created a make-shift office for checking email that puts him in range of the closest wireless connection. Sometimes you just have to make the best of a situation and follow the "African method". Hopefully we can get all this fixed soon!


  1. Anonymous said...

    love it...computers...where there's a will, there's a way. love the picture. linda

  2. Anonymous said...

    is that elephant real or cardboard??? only mom will know !! love, linda ha ha ha

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