I have had a couple of strange bug bites this year with even stranger reactions. First, I think I was stung by a hornet or wasp. I say I think because it stung me on my leg under my skirt while I was outside on playground duty at school. I didn't see it but there were several stingers in my leg when I checked it. By afternoon when I checked it I had a reaction ....there was a big two by three inch patch of red on my leg below the bite. It looked like a rug burn. The doctors said it was an allergic reaction and that the histamine had settled there. It took about three months to go away..... but it finally did.The good news was that the doctor was right and I did not need my leg amputated! :-)
Then a few weeks ago ...in keeping with my "For Such a Time as This" for 2007....I was bitten by a spider. I was at home and I felt something on the top part of my calf just below the back of my knee. I brushed it off and saw that it was a strange brown spider about the size of a quarter. I stomped it...... and did not give it another thought until that night when it started to burn alittle. I put my hand on it and YIKES it had a sack of fluid hanging from the bite spot.....but I did sleep fine! The next morning at school everyone was watching the sack get larger and the spot get redder. The teachers all decided I should go to see the doctor on the way home from work. My wonderful friend and Dutch daughter Dorien decided to walk me home. She knew that if I was by myself I would not stop at the doctor's house....so we stopped and talked to the doctor's wife. She had great advice, "you need to see a doctor". She then began to explain where we could find the doctor at the hospital. She said that we could find in him in surgery, as he was trying to do surgery on a woman, but they needed two units of type "O" blood or he could not do the surgery and she would die....Dorien and I both said we are type "O". Imagine that!
.... both Dorien and I were type "O". The blood bank at the hospital in Choma and Livingstone were all empty. Hospitals are not allowed to get blood from local donors any more due to all the HIV and Hepatitis....So on with the story......We went to the hospital and found the doctor. We showed him my leg and the lovely sack of fluid......yes.....I needed a strong antibiotic and he wrote a prescription quickly for me. We then said "Oh, by the way we heard you need two units of type "O" blood. We are both type "O"". He rushed us to the lab to have them check out our type and check to be sure we did not have HIV, Syphilis, or Hepatitis. No other questions were asked about medications or anything???? Imagine that?! Our test results came back quickly and we were both type "O" and were negative for all of the above by the way(-: PTL!So then ..... it was just please come in and pull up your sleeve!! Dorien gave first and was very brave as she had never given blood or even had blood taken for tests before....she did get white lips and felt dizzy about half way through.....it got me thinking. WOW!!! What am I doing??? I have not given blood for more than ten years. Having been in Africa you are not allowed to give in the US anymore. Well, my turn then came and I stepped up " bravely"??? Guess What??? Piece of Cake!!! My blood filled the bag in record time and with no reaction!!!!
They treated us to cookies and orange Fanta. For a minute there we felt like we were at the blood bank in the U.S.
The question of the day is, sooooooo....."What did you do on your way home from work?"
I loved answering ...." I Saved A Life".
So....you see, I know I got that strange spider bite so I would be at the right place at the right time with the right type of blood... "For Such A Time As This".

Welcome To SoMacha.com!
They moved to Macha to start MICS (Macha Innovative Christian School). There was a desperate need for a quality elementary school for the local children and the many orphans in Macha. It has been 3 years now, and they have more than 60 students. God has done many amazing things in Macha. We are excited to see what will happen next!
This website will allow Gil and Ronda to keep everyone informed and up to date on all the events in Macha.
Please check back often and keep them in your prayers.
MICS Mobile Donation Fund
We are asking for donations that will help us purchase a 4x4 utility for the school. If you feel led to give, please contact us and we will let you know how you can make a tax deductable donation. Or you may use the link below to make a non-tax-deductible donation via credit card.
Thank you all for your generous support.