So Macha Is Happening In Macha!

With the arrival/unloading of the containers containing the wooden house and the arrival of the men from Holland to assemble the house, we wanted to update you all on the progress.
Everything has gone at lightning speed as you can see from the following pictures...

2 days to go from from a simple slab of concrete to a complete structure with roof!
Now all that remains is the painting of the outside.
Needless to say we are excited!!!!
Week of August 30th preparation of slab for the house "in transit".
August 4 - AM unloading of the house components
August 4 - PM arrival of men from Holland for house assembly
August 4 - PM Inspection of house components after unloading
August 4 - PM Inspection of slab for house
August 5 - AM House assembly begun (floor placed on concrete slab)
August 5 - PM Floor laid and start of assembly of exterior walls
August 6 - AM Raising of "KMB" flag and continued assembly of exterior walls and some interior walls
August 6 - PM Completion of exterior wall assembly and topping roof rafters
August 7 - AM All roofing boards in place and placing of final side of roofing steel
August 7 - AM Interior kitchen work started


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