"This is the Story of My Friend Named Ruthie"

This is the Story of My Friend Named Ruthie who came to Macha for three months from Canada.

My ANGEL Friend

This is the story of my friend named Ruthie
She came to Macha to do her duty

So special she is
Doing the work that is HIS

She's and angel in every way
Who takes care of me every day

God sent her to me
So please...let her be

Cooking, sorting, organizing, crying
In-putting, listening, laughing, and coke drinking

One day this lovely Ruthie
Ask me to tell the truthie

Now, you know I would
If surely I could

She needed a job
And I had one...sob sob

Library books of all kinds!!
For the good of kids minds

Five hundred!!!!!..... not more???
We started to explore

Soon her house was really full up!!!
Hardly room for them to sup

For weeks she did not quit
Yet....it never gave her a fit

The quietly one day
I must tell you if I may

Ruthie told it all
Out loud she did call

Almost......FOUR THOUSAND books in all!!!!
How will we ever get them on the wall??????

We love her soooo
From her head to her toe

We thank her too
For what she DO!!!!

The new MICS library
Was done by a fairy

Oh no! an Angel it was
I know that for sure...cuz

God sent her to me
To help me to see

That each step of the way
HE was with me each day

With love to my Angel Friend
And many thanks too!!!


Copyright 2008 .