During the break between 1st and 2nd terms, we had some welcome visitors from the "south". Actually they originate from the "north", but are teaching at TDS in Botswana, which is south of Zambia.
Grace, Rosie and Lydiah (all from Kenya) came to visit us in Macha. Their arrival was a very welcome event. Mid Sakala and Ronda rode into Choma with Mid's husband, Ben, riding in Sakala's truck. After doing some shopping, they waited for the bus from Botswana bringing the three ladies. After a quick transfer from the "big bus" to the "Macha Express", they all bounced their way, for 2+ hours, to Macha on the "Choma-Macha Expressway" (all 70 km. of it).
After a night of rest, a tour of MICS was in order, followed by a bun and Coke at the VCC cafe. We all also had the "Macha Tour" in the back of Sakala's truck, including the ABFA airstrip, the area being cleared by hand for Flying Mission's hanger and refueling, and the area where the new school is under construction. Grace tried her hand at breaking rocks for making the concrete for the foundation and everyone studied the plans of that the "host house" will look like.
We were sorry to see them leave, but they did go to Victoria Falls on their way back to Botswana.
P.S. Their trip from Kasane was made more exciting when the bus left them behind at a "Hoof & Mouth Control Barrier".

Welcome To SoMacha.com!
They moved to Macha to start MICS (Macha Innovative Christian School). There was a desperate need for a quality elementary school for the local children and the many orphans in Macha. It has been 3 years now, and they have more than 60 students. God has done many amazing things in Macha. We are excited to see what will happen next!
This website will allow Gil and Ronda to keep everyone informed and up to date on all the events in Macha.
Please check back often and keep them in your prayers.
MICS Mobile Donation Fund
We are asking for donations that will help us purchase a 4x4 utility for the school. If you feel led to give, please contact us and we will let you know how you can make a tax deductable donation. Or you may use the link below to make a non-tax-deductible donation via credit card.
Thank you all for your generous support.