Friday 7 April was the last day of the term for MICS students. They had been working hard to receive points for following directions and doing their work and as a reward they all went on a picnic.
Everyone came to the Macha B&B from school after having surprised Ronda with a birthday cake and cards.
The picnic supplies were loaded in our wheelbarrow and off we headed to a "secret picnic spot". This spot is where there are a few trees and grass at the "exit ramp from the freeway" to the BIC Church and Mission Basic School. You can see the "freeway" just behind where the children were having a relay race.
Once at the picnic spot, sheets were spread on the grass and the activities began. There were relay races with the children carrying spoons with the correct number of beans to be placed in cups. Because the previous week had been "Blue Week", the scavenger hunt was for items that were blue and previously hidden. Finally, everyone sat down for a "feast" of hot dogs, corn curls and the blue cupcakes they had made earlier in the week, along with a piece of the BD cake they had given to Ronda at the surprise party.

Welcome To!
They moved to Macha to start MICS (Macha Innovative Christian School). There was a desperate need for a quality elementary school for the local children and the many orphans in Macha. It has been 3 years now, and they have more than 60 students. God has done many amazing things in Macha. We are excited to see what will happen next!
This website will allow Gil and Ronda to keep everyone informed and up to date on all the events in Macha.
Please check back often and keep them in your prayers.
MICS Mobile Donation Fund
We are asking for donations that will help us purchase a 4x4 utility for the school. If you feel led to give, please contact us and we will let you know how you can make a tax deductable donation. Or you may use the link below to make a non-tax-deductible donation via credit card.
Thank you all for your generous support.