Sorry For The Down Time!

Hi everyone!
Sorry for the website problems. The server went down while Edith and Joy were visiting Africa. Since the server is located at Edith's house, there was no one home to reboot the we just had to wait until the big trip was over.
We will be updating soon with pictures and stories from MARS (Most Amazing Race Senior edition) as well as other events and updates.
Thanks for visiting our site and all your support!
Please keep coming back!

MICS End of Term 2 FunDay

Term 2 is officially over and the beginning of the break was celebrated with a "Fun Day". All of the students met at school and proceeded to the "Party Place". Games started with the African version of "Duck, Duck, Goose" ie: "Elephant, Elephant, Lion". There was face painting by our resident "Dutch Clown" and more games. Eating marshmallows from a string tied to the clothes line was aided by a slight breeze. The final game was a water relay race including parents, followed by treats and drinks for all while relaxing.

Traditional Tonga Party for MARS

Monday 7 Aug. was "Farmer's Day", a national holiday in Zambia. In celebration of the arrival of the two MARS visitors, Mrs. Esther gave a traditional Tonga party at her house, complete with the women dancing, singing groups accompanied by home-made guitars and a Tonga meal served inside a traditional Tonga hut. It was a great way to introduce Ronda's Mom to the community.

Guess who filled the bag?

Upon arrival of the FM plane bringing Mom and Joy from Lusaka, Ronda was presented with a little white bag of goodies. Then after things settled down and Mom and Joy got out of the plane, Ronda was given a beautiful bunch of roses from Sue Bolthouse.
The one day delay was a blessing in disguise, as Mom and Joy got a chance to get a good night's sleep in Johannesburg and be fully rested when they arrived in Macha. All of their luggage was with them and they were ready to start the Zambian leg of MARS.

How Does Popcorn Pop ??

This last day of second term had special events for the MICS students. One of the events was to pop popcorn with the cover off the pan and see how the kernels popped into the air. Everyone sat at the edge of a sheet, with their own pile of popcorn, waiting for the oil to get hot and the kernels to start flying in the air. Once the corn started, there was plenty for everyone to eat.

Visitors Are On Their Way!

Edith and Joy (Ronda's mom and sister) left Milwaukee early Thursday morning. M.A.R.S. ("Most Amazing Race - Seniors") as we like to call it for fun, is underway. They will be traveling for 2 days...and arrive in Macha on Saturday.
Please pray for them and thier trip.
We have many exciting things planned for their 2 week visit.
Check back to see updates on some of our adventures with our special visitors.

Thank You!

Just wanted to say thanks for all the support and interest in the container shipment and the buy a brick campaign!
We also wanted to let those of you who were having problems with the donation link, that things are now back up and running.
Thanks again!

Clown Day

This was the last week of the term, so numerous fun days were planned. The week was spent learning about circus activities. Most of the children had no idea what a circus is like because of the culture, but everyone including the parents cooperated, as you can see. Wednesday, was clown day where everyone came to school dressed as a clown and also got their face painted. It truly was a fun experience for everyone.

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