Fun Cap Day!!

MICS students enjoyed a fun day when they all wore a fun cap or hat at school. Everyone wore their hats in class....They sat on their desks, instead of on their chairs and we all marched around the classrooms and campus for everyone to see.
The best part of it was that EVERYONE Participated!! It sure if fun to be silly once in a while!

The best part, and what is made it so much fun, was the fact that everyone participated!!!
It sure is fun just to be silly sometimes(-:

MICS teachers start computer lessons

It was a happy day for the teachers at MICS when they started their computer lessons recently. We suddenly realized that most teachers do not get training in computers during their education to be a teacher. Only one in our current group of ten had any idea of how to turn a computer on.

The MICS students really did know more than the teachers in this case! BUT.... the teachers are catching up quickly as they come for lessons on Thursday afternoons. They are eager and willing learners

Update on the 4X4 MICS Mobile

We recieved the notice listed below of a very generous donation from Harkins Builders in Maryland..... thanks to our good friends Sue and Pete Penno telling the MICS story. One day the Harkins employees all wore jeans for charity and donated $357.00 towards the 4X4 MICS Mobile.

We are so thankful!

Our fund is growing.......

We also recieved $200. 00 from our wonderful friends Ruth and Lee Ditmer from Canada.

A huge thank you to all of you!!!!!!

The fund is growing....... as we already have $1.300.00

(announcement from Harkins)





Gladys Hyman

Benefits Administrator

Harkins Builders, Inc.

2201 Warwick Way

Marriottsville, MD 21104


Thanks for having such generous hearts and giving to help the children in MACHA!!

Gil, Ronda, the MICS Team and most of all the MICS boys and girls

MICS house gets roofing sheets

Just a quick update on the progress of the MICS house. Finally after a few months of waiting to see if the same color of roofing sheets could be obtained we found out they truly were permanently out of stock. There is strategy here that is: when you see something and you think you might want it..... get it... as most likely when you go back it will not be there. I guess that is what happened with the roofing sheets. When we went back to get the rest of the roof it was not there (-: SOOOOO we used a color in the same family and in a day the roof was put on the house. We are very excited and happy to see the great progress the men made in such a short time.

As they were putting it on one of the students looked up and commented .... "oh, the old stuff is dirty and the new is clean". So I guess that about sums it up. Most of you know me and my "matchy matchy" (-: but even I am happy with the progress. We are sooo anxious to get the house done!
The doors are almost all on....and we are hoping the ceilings will be going up next week along with the installation of the windows and plumbing. Please pray with us that the men continue to work as we really want to be able to open the boarding house for third term.....third term begins in September so we will have to move and set up by late August. We are really seeing that the orphans that are enrolled in MICS struggle so much to get here each day due to distance and no one is really supervising them where they stay.
Thanks so much for your prayers.

Zaka the Cat

Zaka the Krause's Cat of the Wooden House
Zaka is a red cat with a fluffy tail. Her name means LION in Tonga. Now if you know us well you might be wondering what the CATalyst would be for us to get a cat??? CATegoricallyy we are not cat lovers. It definitely was a CAT-and-mouse thing! Not long after we got her we thought we might have CATaracts as she surely seemed to be a CATch. So we checked the CATalog and sure enough we found she was the CATsmeow.
From young on she was in a CATegory of her own. She attended school and tried to CATch up with the other students. However, the teacher would have to give out a CATcall now and then as she dearly loved her CATnaps during class.
As you can see from the pictures she CATapulted herself right into a job in the school office as the copy-CAT where she CATered to the needs of the students seatwork papers.
Gil and Zaka are often found in this CATatonic state as they take CATnaps together. Surprisingly it is not even a CATastrophe for Gil when she jumps on the bed.
She loves to chase the CATtle that come to visit our yard and she definately is a CATbird. She can CATch and eat one in 60 seconds.
Now, not to be CATty....but....she found a friend that lives CATtycorner from the wooden house. One day she was out on the CATwalk and you guessed it, there was going to be a need for a CATscradle. This was indeed a CATastrophe for the inexperienced owners. The CATastrophic event occurred in Macha when Zaka CATapulted FIVE little CATs into the wicker CATchall she had CATegorically chosen the week before.
Her CATcall is different now but mother CAT and her five little CATs are all doing fine(-:

MICS is registered!!!

MICS IS REGISTERED with the Zambian Ministry of Education!!!!
We are so excited!!! After two years of filling out papers, visits from the local, district and national levels we have received our registration certificate as a private school.
We are so thankful for God and what He can do in His timing ...... this is wonderful news and makes the school very credible.

First Contributors for MICS 4x4 Car Fund!!!

The blessings for MICS just keep flowing in. About two weeks ago we began to think about starting a fund for a dependable school vehicle that could provide transportation and carry supplies for the boarding school when it opens in a few months. The roads around here have proven to be really hard on any and all vehicles soooooo ....... we decided it will have to be one that will hold together and not get stuck on the muddy roads of Zambia....definitely a 4 x 4. week later we got our first contribution to the "MICS Mobile"!!!!!!!
A wonderful group of people in St. Rose Illinois participated in a "School Scavenger Hunt" organized by Cheryl Timmermann with her help of her wonderful Jansen Family!!! From all reports fun was had by all!! This by the way is the second annual scavenger hunt Cheryl organized for the people of St Rose. The first year I believe about 30 people participated but this year the total was around 60!!
Can you imagine teams had to find a teacher that taught them during their school days and then bring the teacher to cross the finish line with their team.....Most teams by the way crossed the finish line around midnight!!! This would not be an easy feat for any of us. What a challenge!!
This fabulous St. Rose group is the very first to contribute to the new school vehicle fund for MICS. They contributed $735.00. This even included the prize money from the winning team. After they won the scavenger hunt..... they gave their winnings to the school vehicle fund.
The boys and girls of MICS are saying a BIG THANK YOU to St. Rose and the Jansen Family in the attached picture!!!
Cheryl THANKS to you too!!! What a great idea. Thanks for all your hard work!!
We will keep all of you posted on the progress of the vehicle fund and its growth.

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