Playground is in use

We are very excited at MICS. The container bringing the PlayMart playground arrived and the "Wonder" is now in place. We tried to document the installation of all of the playground but could capture/send only a few of the stages for you.

Everything is in place with the exception of the layer of river sand that will cover the area (6-8 inches of sand).

The children do not quite know what to make of this beautiful structure in the middle of "the bush". They will get safety/play instructions on Monday 27 Oct. and then the fun begins!!

Fun Cap Day!!

MICS students enjoyed a fun day when they all wore a fun cap or hat at school. Everyone wore their hats in class....They sat on their desks, instead of on their chairs and we all marched around the classrooms and campus for everyone to see.
The best part of it was that EVERYONE Participated!! It sure if fun to be silly once in a while!

The best part, and what is made it so much fun, was the fact that everyone participated!!!
It sure is fun just to be silly sometimes(-:

MICS teachers start computer lessons

It was a happy day for the teachers at MICS when they started their computer lessons recently. We suddenly realized that most teachers do not get training in computers during their education to be a teacher. Only one in our current group of ten had any idea of how to turn a computer on.

The MICS students really did know more than the teachers in this case! BUT.... the teachers are catching up quickly as they come for lessons on Thursday afternoons. They are eager and willing learners

Update on the 4X4 MICS Mobile

We recieved the notice listed below of a very generous donation from Harkins Builders in Maryland..... thanks to our good friends Sue and Pete Penno telling the MICS story. One day the Harkins employees all wore jeans for charity and donated $357.00 towards the 4X4 MICS Mobile.

We are so thankful!

Our fund is growing.......

We also recieved $200. 00 from our wonderful friends Ruth and Lee Ditmer from Canada.

A huge thank you to all of you!!!!!!

The fund is growing....... as we already have $1.300.00

(announcement from Harkins)





Gladys Hyman

Benefits Administrator

Harkins Builders, Inc.

2201 Warwick Way

Marriottsville, MD 21104


Thanks for having such generous hearts and giving to help the children in MACHA!!

Gil, Ronda, the MICS Team and most of all the MICS boys and girls

MICS house gets roofing sheets

Just a quick update on the progress of the MICS house. Finally after a few months of waiting to see if the same color of roofing sheets could be obtained we found out they truly were permanently out of stock. There is strategy here that is: when you see something and you think you might want it..... get it... as most likely when you go back it will not be there. I guess that is what happened with the roofing sheets. When we went back to get the rest of the roof it was not there (-: SOOOOO we used a color in the same family and in a day the roof was put on the house. We are very excited and happy to see the great progress the men made in such a short time.

As they were putting it on one of the students looked up and commented .... "oh, the old stuff is dirty and the new is clean". So I guess that about sums it up. Most of you know me and my "matchy matchy" (-: but even I am happy with the progress. We are sooo anxious to get the house done!
The doors are almost all on....and we are hoping the ceilings will be going up next week along with the installation of the windows and plumbing. Please pray with us that the men continue to work as we really want to be able to open the boarding house for third term.....third term begins in September so we will have to move and set up by late August. We are really seeing that the orphans that are enrolled in MICS struggle so much to get here each day due to distance and no one is really supervising them where they stay.
Thanks so much for your prayers.

Zaka the Cat

Zaka the Krause's Cat of the Wooden House
Zaka is a red cat with a fluffy tail. Her name means LION in Tonga. Now if you know us well you might be wondering what the CATalyst would be for us to get a cat??? CATegoricallyy we are not cat lovers. It definitely was a CAT-and-mouse thing! Not long after we got her we thought we might have CATaracts as she surely seemed to be a CATch. So we checked the CATalog and sure enough we found she was the CATsmeow.
From young on she was in a CATegory of her own. She attended school and tried to CATch up with the other students. However, the teacher would have to give out a CATcall now and then as she dearly loved her CATnaps during class.
As you can see from the pictures she CATapulted herself right into a job in the school office as the copy-CAT where she CATered to the needs of the students seatwork papers.
Gil and Zaka are often found in this CATatonic state as they take CATnaps together. Surprisingly it is not even a CATastrophe for Gil when she jumps on the bed.
She loves to chase the CATtle that come to visit our yard and she definately is a CATbird. She can CATch and eat one in 60 seconds.
Now, not to be CATty....but....she found a friend that lives CATtycorner from the wooden house. One day she was out on the CATwalk and you guessed it, there was going to be a need for a CATscradle. This was indeed a CATastrophe for the inexperienced owners. The CATastrophic event occurred in Macha when Zaka CATapulted FIVE little CATs into the wicker CATchall she had CATegorically chosen the week before.
Her CATcall is different now but mother CAT and her five little CATs are all doing fine(-:

MICS is registered!!!

MICS IS REGISTERED with the Zambian Ministry of Education!!!!
We are so excited!!! After two years of filling out papers, visits from the local, district and national levels we have received our registration certificate as a private school.
We are so thankful for God and what He can do in His timing ...... this is wonderful news and makes the school very credible.

First Contributors for MICS 4x4 Car Fund!!!

The blessings for MICS just keep flowing in. About two weeks ago we began to think about starting a fund for a dependable school vehicle that could provide transportation and carry supplies for the boarding school when it opens in a few months. The roads around here have proven to be really hard on any and all vehicles soooooo ....... we decided it will have to be one that will hold together and not get stuck on the muddy roads of Zambia....definitely a 4 x 4. week later we got our first contribution to the "MICS Mobile"!!!!!!!
A wonderful group of people in St. Rose Illinois participated in a "School Scavenger Hunt" organized by Cheryl Timmermann with her help of her wonderful Jansen Family!!! From all reports fun was had by all!! This by the way is the second annual scavenger hunt Cheryl organized for the people of St Rose. The first year I believe about 30 people participated but this year the total was around 60!!
Can you imagine teams had to find a teacher that taught them during their school days and then bring the teacher to cross the finish line with their team.....Most teams by the way crossed the finish line around midnight!!! This would not be an easy feat for any of us. What a challenge!!
This fabulous St. Rose group is the very first to contribute to the new school vehicle fund for MICS. They contributed $735.00. This even included the prize money from the winning team. After they won the scavenger hunt..... they gave their winnings to the school vehicle fund.
The boys and girls of MICS are saying a BIG THANK YOU to St. Rose and the Jansen Family in the attached picture!!!
Cheryl THANKS to you too!!! What a great idea. Thanks for all your hard work!!
We will keep all of you posted on the progress of the vehicle fund and its growth.

School is out....well for a few weeks at least

First term 2008 at MICS is over....... and we survived!!! Actually we made great progress!!! School closed yesterday for a three week break.
What a fun last day we had!! Art lessons, a PE dance recital for parents, library class and computers!!! Yes, all on the same day! Who says school is not fun!?!??!?!?

We are so thankful as we look back to January when we arrived from the States. The school was not finished....there was no roof, windows or doors. Things looked hopeless as we had no money to complete the school building/house at that time.
If you remember MICS classes started late and we met in the rooms of our wooden house apartments. After a month or so we made the decision to move into the still unfinished school building. Little by little we are settling in and each day another classroom ceiling or window is finished (-:

Ruth worked hard to get the library up and running before she returned to Canada. Gil spent hours repairing computers and setting them up in the Hammes' flat at the wooden house....... Since they are in the US on furlough it was the perfect spot as it is the only unused room connected to the generator.

Again and again and again... we "Stand in Awe" of what the Lord is doing around us each day. He has showered us with so many blessings it is hard to comprehend.

We are so thankful! We are thankful to all of you that have helped in so many ways...and especially thankful for all of your prayers......please do not stop.

Showers of Blessings for MICS

When it rains it pours!
Jon called to tell us MICS is going to receive a Playland Jungle Gym from a company in the United States. They are designing it to fit into a 20 foot container and will be shipped by the 1rst of May for the school. When you look at the picture of the school try to imagine a beautiful piece of equipment for the kids to play on!!! We are SO blessed and so thankful for this wonderful FUN thing God is providing for us. Yes it truly is SHOWERS OF BLESSINGS. Thanks Jon and company for organizing all of this!!!

MICS held it's first Open House in the new building this week. The parents were so happy to come and see the new classrooms. The library and computer lab ( in the wooden house) were open for viewing too. We did manage to get the grounds cleaned up a bit so that it did not look like a construction site, as you can see from the picture included.
It was a fun and memorable day for all of us.

Things are going a bit better as we have our car back and a new generator that even runs my hair know that is something that is key to life for me(-: SOOOOO that to is a good thing.
Keep us in your prayers as we close the school in two weeks for term break.

"This is the Story of My Friend Named Ruthie"

This is the Story of My Friend Named Ruthie who came to Macha for three months from Canada.

My ANGEL Friend

This is the story of my friend named Ruthie
She came to Macha to do her duty

So special she is
Doing the work that is HIS

She's and angel in every way
Who takes care of me every day

God sent her to me
So please...let her be

Cooking, sorting, organizing, crying
In-putting, listening, laughing, and coke drinking

One day this lovely Ruthie
Ask me to tell the truthie

Now, you know I would
If surely I could

She needed a job
And I had one...sob sob

Library books of all kinds!!
For the good of kids minds

Five hundred!!!!!..... not more???
We started to explore

Soon her house was really full up!!!
Hardly room for them to sup

For weeks she did not quit never gave her a fit

The quietly one day
I must tell you if I may

Ruthie told it all
Out loud she did call

Almost......FOUR THOUSAND books in all!!!!
How will we ever get them on the wall??????

We love her soooo
From her head to her toe

We thank her too
For what she DO!!!!

The new MICS library
Was done by a fairy

Oh no! an Angel it was
I know that for sure...cuz

God sent her to me
To help me to see

That each step of the way
HE was with me each day

With love to my Angel Friend
And many thanks too!!!

Website problems

We are having problems with our website hosting. Sorry for the downtime.
Many new updates from the past 3 months have just been you can catch up with the news from MICS and Macha.
We hope to have up soon, so please check back often!

As the MICS students marched from the wooden house to the new school building on February 25th they sang "When the Saints Go Marching In". It was sooooooooo special to hear them harmonize and add special echoes as they marched......and ..... see them smiling from ear to ear all the way. The excitement was high!! The work crew stopped what they were doing and watched in amazement.

Our first day in our brand new school!!!

God is Faithful!!!

It was amazing how much the students enjoyed their desks after sitting on the floor for three weeks(-: and ..... even though the building is not finished the "little saints" thought is was beautiful and the best school they could possibly have.

As we unpack materials and supplies that were stored for the new school we are again reminded of the generosity of all of you. The container that was shipped from Arizona held materials and supplies beyond anyone's imagination. Some of you have shipped supplies that seem to arrive at the exact time they are needed. We are so thankful to each one that has helped. We pray the Lord will bless you as He is blessing us.
Celebrate with us as we begin this new chapter of MICS in this beautiful new school building(-:
Please keep praying for us as we still need funds to finish. We know He will provide just as He has each step of the way.

WAHOOOO !!!!!!!!! (as I love to say when some one comes to Macha or something special happens

Feb 24, 2008 - It's bubbling!!!!

Yes !!!!!! the water is running into our kitchen sink in the house!! This past week we were also able to get water into the toilet house and flush the toilet too!!!! What a relief that was to not have to carry water for toilets, washing and drinking for 50 kids and 4 families!!!! The tap was about a city block from our house.
THANKS IOWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We could not have done it without you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for your prayers. Little by little things are happening.

Feb 24, 2008 - MOVING day AGAIN!!!

On Thursday we decided to move into the new school .....even though it is not finished. The roof is on and most classrooms have doors that lock. All the windows are in and some have glass in them.
On Friday after school we started to move the supplies and desks and tables and chairs. On Saturday we set up many rooms between carpenters that suddenly began putting the ceilings in and the women that were there waxing the floors. So.... all in all it still looks like a construction sight but if you look closely you will see a real school in there some where.

We are excited to be in the new building and will send a report of our first week.

Please keep praying for the workers to finish and funds to complete the building.

MICS had opened it's 2008 school year in the Wooden House in Macha. Another day of rejoicing as the students returned to classes.

They were all in their places with bright shiny faces(-:

God blessed us and showed us favor as we had a week of sun shine so the parents and boys and girls could get used to the new route to school..... a ways away from the Macha Mission Hospital building on very muddy trails. Some biked, some walked, some came in trucks, some in cars. One bicycle had the adult driver and three kids on it....that taxi got its moneys worth.

School began with 36 students present on Monday and by Friday we had 46 with 50 children enrolled for next week.

As the classes started we had no teacher for the reception (Kindergarten) class. A class of 6 or 8 students.....should be a piece of cake...right??? Wrong!!!! It is one of the things I really like to teach...right??? Well, we started with 6 children...4 boys and 2 girls. Thankfully 2 of the boys spoke English! The other 4 spoke NO English and most had seen very few white people. One little boy kept calling Elmo ( a Dutch student) and me "Mazungu" which means white person. We kept telling him our names and his name but he just kept yelling and bossing everyone with a very loud voice in the way the other kids called him the baby, that is how small he is. One little girl just laughed at me matter what I did to correct her she would laugh at me. She was pulling hair and pinching other children and if I would talk to her or stop her she would laugh in my face. She would run away if I put her in time out, even when I just tried to hug her, she would just laugh out very loud...... The first day I finally just took her to another class as the rest of my class was going wild and watching to see what she was getting away with. The second day the same thing happened but we did stay together for about 15 minutes not just 7. By the third day she was with me the entire time!!!!!! and by the end of the week she wanted to hold my hand and sit next to me....and was not calling me Mazungu any more. She did not laugh at me all the time either.....miracles never cease. She and the other little girl in the class started to speak English. Imagine in just one week!!! It was so funny they both started saying "Thank you very much" and so .....randomly on Friday all day they would say or blurt out "Thank you very much" and then again" Thank you very much" They thought they were so special and clever!! Pretty cute...and sure made me smile.
I have hired a teacher to teach this class but she starts on Tuesday. They are Kindergarten age but about at three year old preschool level. I had planned way over their heads and really had to scramble to keep them under control. Joy Mutepfa....I have empathy for you with your three years olds as they came in to the new school year with you! I think they have a 30 second attention span. That is a lot of activities in a morning from 7:45 to 12:30 (-: It has been good for me to get to know these little ones and know their level of instruction. I am sure they will learn English well in the next few weeks and will progress by leaps and bounds this year.

On a sad note, we accepted two girls from the village on a sponsorship from a family from Canada. They attended school for 2 days last week. We heard that on Friday night their hut burned to the ground. No one was hurt.....thankfully. They were all sleeping and a candle set the fire. The thatch roof really burns fast and falls into the room. They all got out but lost everything. Even their new school uniforms and shoes they just received the day before. I am sure they are emotionally stressed as they begin a new school and can not speak English, then lost their little home and place of security and all their possessions especially their new school things, Please pray for them.

The building is still not done. We are still waiting and praying and doing things one day at time while we wait. In talking with parents, the kids had a great week and it seems like they think the wooden house is a great school. SOOOOO we will continue as long as needed.

Please continue to pray for us daily. The teachers and students are holding up well under difficult times. We are anxious to be settled into the new school.

We also have a prayer request. Our car is out of commission because of a leaking seal on the fuel injection pump. The nearest parts are in Lusaka (5 hours away) and we are not certain whether to have a local mechanic take it apart and then go to Lusaka for the spares or have the car trucked the 360 km to a mechanic in Lusaka. Always something to challenge our ingenuity.

Feb 3, 2008 - "God WILL Make a Way"

Well, after many long delays, the 2008 school year at MICS will finally begin!!!! The rain has delayed delivery of building supplies.....unfinished roof, no doors, and no windows......BUT.... the windows and doors are waiting for the road to dry and should be delivered sooooon(-: So, as you can see from the attached pictures the building that was to house the classrooms is still not usable. However, God has provided the insight to convert some of the rooms in the wooden house for classroom use. As you know, there are to be 5 classes this year (Reception (Kindergarten)and Grades 1, 2, 3, and a 4/5 combination. Soooooo .... our dining/kitchen room and living room will be 2 of the classrooms, as will the 2 corresponding rooms at the Sakala end of the building. The room that was Hammes's kitchen/dining area will be the 5th classroom. The two bathrooms that are outside on our end of the building will become the "Boy's and Girl's Restrooms" because the rains have caused the soil to collapse into the holes dug for the toilets at the new school building.

God got the first truckload of rafter lumber and roofing sheets through the muddy road from Choma one week ago today.... and today and a good portion of the roofing is now in place. The "big truck" went to Choma on Friday to collect the remainder of the roofing sheets, window panes and doors but has yet to return. (Word has it that even the road between Choma and Lusaka is getting worse because of the rains, and of course all supplies come from Lusaka ultimately).

Today is sunny and the teacher from near Lake Kariba was finally able to get here......two bridges and part of the road between Batoka and Lake Kariba have washed out making her travel "very interesting". We are so glad she made it as it was a rough trip for her. We have had at least three teachers come for interviews, accept positions and then go home and decide it is too wet, muddy and rainy to come every day so they have failed to show up for the starting of school.

God is making a way as we begin this week. Early this week we saw no way to begin but now the classrooms are ready in the MICS Wooden House and the children will arrive tomorrow. We are an "innovative school".....innovative is in our name and we are excited to be using an innovative plan to begin the 2008 school year in Macha.
Please continue to pray for us as we walk through this interesting and challenging process.

January 28, 2008 - A Day of Rejoicing!!!

Another update on the happenings of Macha.

Yesterday the school roofing sheets arrived!!! You may not think that is a very big deal.... but...... for us it was surely "A Day of Rejoicing!!". We had a welcoming celebration for the guys as they brought the truck in after many, many delays and lots of hard work.
When we arrived in Zambia a few weeks ago we found out that we had no roof on the new school building and no money to purchase the roofing sheets. We were finally able to order some sheets last week when some money was being transferred from Holland.....which by the way got lost when it was transferred to the bank in Zambia. This seems to happen quite often when money is transferred????? The bank just says it is lost????? SOOOOOOOOO on with the story......the sheets were ordered and we found out that they were making them in green instead of the requested color, brown. Our first delay(-: They then began to make them but in brown.......but.... the entire country of Zambia was having major electricity problems. Lusaka has been "load sharing" for many months now but last week South Africa stopped selling power to Zambia. At the same time Zambia was having trouble with their Lake Kariba and Victoria Falls power stations so the entire country had no power. This affected the company that was making the roofing sheets and MANY other companies in Zambia .....soooooo..... they closed the plant that was making the sheets as they could not produce anything without power....another delay. FINALLY on Friday we got a message that the roofing sheets were finished....on the truck ........and on their way!!! YAHOO and Hallelujah!!! We also heard that the bank found the money they said was lost...PTL that was a VERY good thing!!!! Everyone was very excited and it gave us hope that maybe the school could start on the 4th of Feb after all!?!?!??! You see, we had delayed the start of the 2008 school year from 23 Jan to 4 Feb. because of the roof situation. About an hour after the truck left Lusaka we received a message that the truck with the roofing sheets on had a flat tire. In the mean time our big truck left Macha and headed for Choma...the closest town on the tar road..... where they were to meet the truck coming from Lusaka. The company that makes the roofing sheets did not want to drive on the dirt road coming into Macha.....very smart people!!!!! don't you think?????(-: The next message we got was that the Macha truck was loaded with the roofing sheets and headed to Macha....again we rejoiced and knew soooooon and very soooon we would see them on the roof at the school!!!!!!!.......only to get another message..... that it was taking them one hour to go five kilometers because of all the mud and rain and water and muck on what they call a road(-: At one point we heard that the road from Choma was closed and it surely seems like a God thing as with a few phone calls..... where some of the words were dropped ....or .....the call was totally dropped we some how got permission to go through and they opened the gate and let our truck through but all the other trucks and vehicles were sent back to Choma. Soooo, again the excitement was high!!!!!!!....they were getting closer!!!!!!....only to hear they were stuck!!!! along with four other trucks. Thankfully we have cell phones in Macha now and a team of about 30 guys were sent out to help. The team worked all through the night to get the truck out. They actually had to totally unload it to get it out. By lunch time on Sunday we had another message that the truck was out of the mud....fully loaded...... and they were moving again!!!!! By this time none of us actually believed that we would ever see the roofing sheets in Macha soon, but we knew that if it did arrive we needed to have a HUGE celebration.!! Finally at about 5:00pm we gathered a large group of people together to welcome the truck and crew into the school site. There was much shouting, cheering, jumping up and down, and thumbs up as the truck pulled in. We had some volunteer visitors from the US here that are "city planners" and they said they never saw a group of people so happy to see a truck arrive(-: I guess in the States we would not have had the OPPORTUNITY to experience all these challenges to make us appreciate it's arrival.
The sun is shining today, the first time in many days, and the men are busy putting the roof on the building. We have hope again that the school may be ready to open one short week from today. We have lots to do to get ready but God knows and His timing is perfect. He is so faithful and His provision is so great.
We thank you for your prayers as we know He does hear them and answers them. He is so faithful and even when the going gets tough or we don't see a way clearing we know He is in control and He will work everything out.......even better than we could imagine or plan. BUT the waiting and working things out is not always easy(-: Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to try to get the school open by next Monday morning. We will continue to keep you posted. Keep in touch with us. We do not have internet at the house but we do try to collect it each day.

Back To Macha!

The Krause's left Milwaukee this morning for another year in Macha. Please pray for safe travel, on time connections, and no lost luggage!
It has been a whirlwind trip here in the US. We visited many places and saw many people. While in the US we stayed most of the time at Ronda's mothers house (Edith). She was willing to give up much of her living space for all of our suitcases and donated items. It was wonderful to be able to spend so much time with her! Our Daughter Jill came all the way from California to visit us in early December. We went to New Hampton, Iowa to visit some of our friends and faithful supporters of Macha (Thank you!). Our Daughter Kris, her husband Kenny and their two boys James and Kaleb came From Georgia to visit over Christmas. Greg came up from Chicago several times while we were here too. We spent time in Fondulac, Wisconsin visiting friends and additional supporters of Macha (Thank you too!). Christmas was fun and exciting...we packed 22 people in Edith's (Ronda's mom) 2 bedroom condo for the day. Everyone was a great sport about the crowded space and it was great to spend time with our family celebrating the birth of Jesus.
Packing up to return to Macha this year was quite a big project (it always is!) Between all the donated clothing and school supplies we packed our bags to the limit. Can you imagine seeing 2 "retired old folks" (I say that...because that is what we are!) lugging over 425lbs of baggage though the airport?!
This year we will face many new challenges. We will have to assess the situation regarding the November fire when we arrive. The new school building is far from complete and we will need to figure out how to start classes with the current structure. Probably the most difficult challenge (or as Gil likes to call it "adventure") will be living in our new house without running water or electricity. We are hoping that running water will be available sometime soon (thanks to generous contributions from the people of First Baptist Church in New Hampton, Iowa). The electricity is another story. Please pray for the progress of these projects.
The school is growing rapidly. We are encouraged by the positive response from the people in the community. Please pray for us, for the people and children of Macha and that God would continue to guide the progress of MICS.
Thank you!

Copyright 2008 .