Our Garden

Our garden is taking shape thanks to the hard work and knowledge of the gentleman who is assisting us at the house.

The yard area for the garden has been worked to allow some planting of vegetables that will start to grow in this season (the start of what we might know as Fall). However, in order to add neutrients to the soil, fertilizer needed to be delivered. And with this being the rainy season, the collection of "cow manure" is very difficult. So, an alternative was to bring wood-ash from "the fires" at the Mission Hospital. (These "fires" are where the relatives of the patients prepare the meals for themselves and the patients.) This ash would be transported to our yard by "ox cart", however there was a delay of several days because the "ox cart" had a "puncture". Finally, the two loads of ash was delivered along with a third load (of fence posts) for the fence to keep animals (cows, goats, etc) out of the garden.


Copyright 2008 .