MICS to be on TV in US

As you may remember last year Orphan's Promise helped MICS complete the MICS Boarding House. While we were in the US we were blessed to spend some time in Virginia. While we were there we met the staff from "Living the Life", the program that sponsors Orphan's promise. We did a short taping at CBN while there and we just saw in the schedule that our segment will air on Feb 3rd.
The program is Living the Life. It is on the family channel and seemed to be just before 700 Club when it is on the Family Channel. You will have to check your area's schedule.
We are excited to have a clip of Macha for all to see and thought maybe you would like to find it in your TV guide. We are hoping to get a copy of the program. It looks like Tim Conway will be on that day too. He was there with us the day we were there for the taping.
School began on Tuesday and all is going well. The MICS house is coming along....we have water in the kitchen....a new tub with water in the bathroom and even an inside toilet that flushes.....ahhhh the good life(-: The electricians are wiring the house and school and a new bigger generator just arrived. So soon we will have power for a few hours a day!!!
Thanks for all your prayers!


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