MICS computer lab opens today in new building!

We are so excited to report that the MICS computer lab opened for instruction today. The team of computer teachers had fifteen computers up and running for the occasion. With the fifteen computers up and running the classes can come all at one time and even the teachers can have a computer to learn on with their class.

MICS has two new computer teachers this year. Beverly Chisanza and Justin Milolandu completed the computer course offered at LITA last year and thus qualified to be a computer teacher in training at MICS. We are very happy to have them working with the students. LITA is the adult computer school that Jon Backens helped to start and Nic Novelly taught at last year. Both guys are from Virginia(-: Their program really helped MICS as we found it difficult to find teachers that had computer training. We are blessed to have them and thankful for their help as the students have their daily computer lessons.


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