Visitors from The Netherlands

The Macha Guest House, alias The Macha B&B, has two new guests for about one week, when they will move to different housing. Two medical students from the Netherlands are here in Macha to do some research. Robin is on the left and Iman is on the right. Neither of them has been away from their native country, so it was decided that a Mom & Pop away from home for the first few days would help soften the cultural shock. They missed the bus from Choma to Macha when they came, so they had to travel the 70km dirt road in an available truck. A good introduction to where they were going.
As part of their medical school training they are required to do a research project. They decided to set up a database trying to provide a correlation among patients of the area that are suffering from TB, HIV-Aids and other regional illnesses.
When the mobile unit from the Mission Hospital goes out into the surrounding villages, they accompany the unit to take blood samples for plating and analysis. This will enable them to determine diseases and then subsequent treatment when the unit goes back to the villages visited.


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