Where On Earth Are We?

Greetings from Macha !!
Some of you have wondered where we are actually located. Well, for those of you that are inquisitive, here are a couple of pictures to give you some idea where Macha, Zambia is located and where in the village our house and MICS are located. (click on the images to see larger size pictures, then just click "back" on your browser to return to the original blog view)
The turn off to Macha is just north of the Village of Choma on the main road from Livingstone to the Capital City of Lusaka. The google Map shows that we are about 70 km. to the north-west of Choma. The blue line on the view is the road from Livingstone to Lusaka and on to the north.
The aerial photo shows our house with the box around it and MICS (the new school) with the oval around it. The Malaria Institute In Macha (MIAM) complex is at the left of the picture and the overall view from the plane is toward the northwest. The road off to the top right of the picture heads out toward the ABFA (All Blessings From Above) airstrip, where the new school campus, Flying Mission dwellings and the headquarters for LinkNet will be located, starting next year.

We miss you all and extend an open invitation to anyone wanting a change of pace from "city life" for a while. The Macha Bed and Breakfast is always open!


Copyright 2008 .