2nd Term Begins

The second term for MICS has begun. On the first day, the 2nd grade students were introduced to their new teacher, Mrs. Hammes. Mrs. Sakala has taken an early maternity leave and will return after the birth of their new baby. Fortunately we have Deb (Mrs. Hammes) here to help and fill in during this time.
We also have a new student in grade 1. Her name is Sevina and she had previously been at a school without books, desks or supplies. She is an orphan and is currently living with her grandparents. MICS goal is to have 30% of the students be orphans. If anyone is interested in assisting with the orphans of Macha by sponsoring a student, please contact us. Thank you to all who have been assisting with all the aspects of the new school. Without you...we would not be able to contiue!


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