Rocky Road

We just wanted to show you just how rough the "Road to Macha" really is...The village of Macha is a 2+ hour drive from the closest paved road. This is supposed to be a bridge on the road from Pemba to Macha. Fortunately the water level is low and good thing we have 4 wheel drive! This also explains why we have had to get the car frame re-welded and the gas tank replaced so many times. No matter how careful you are, the car takes a beating...
It is always an adventure!


  1. Anonymous said...

    Thank you for your photo of one of the several bridges on the Pemba road. We had been wondering how they fared during the rainy season. We anticipate passing that way enroute to Macha on 28 May. It is good to see there is still room for a Pajero to proceed.

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